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Electricity theft - Illegal & Dangerous

The theft of electricity is non bailable offence under relevant provisions of the Electricity Act 2003. Theft of electricity is not only a loss to the BEST Undertaking, but it is loss to Society and Nation at large. It raises the cost of electricity to genuine customers. Further, it can lead to serious injury or death to general public and can cause financial loss due to electrical accidents, fires & explosions.

Facts about theft of electricity

Under the clause 135 of the Electricity Act, 2003, the theft of electricity is punishable with imprisonment for a term, which may extend to three years or fine or both. The theft of electricity means whoever dishonestly indulges in the following:

  • Taking direct supply without electric meter
  • Tampering of electric meter, loop connection or any other device or method which interferes the accurate registration of the meter.
  • Damaging/ disturbing an electric meter, apparatus, equipment or wire to interfere accurate metering of electricity.
  • Usage of electricity through tampered electric meter.
  • Usage of electricity other than which the usage of electricity is authorized.


Reporting Theft

In order to curb the menace of theft of electricity, active & voluntary support of consumers & general public is very essential. You can report the electricity theft in your vicinity in the island city of Mumbai by filing the following form :

Please be assured that your identity will remain secrete and will not be disclosed to anyone.

If the information passed on to us results into successful raid/ case, then immediate monetary reward of 1% (subject to maximum 5,000/-) of the provisional claim will be disbursed to you. Subsequently, the monetary reward of 5% of the final assessment (subject to maximum 50,000/-) will be paid to you after complete recovery & closure of case as mentioned in the Administrative Order


Basic details of the Suspect



Building No./Floor

Meter No./Adjacent Meter No./Account No. (if any)

Area of Suspect

Additional Information

Details of informant

Your Fullname

Your Mobile no.

(if you wish to track the status of your Complaint, you need to enter a valid mobile number)


Track your Complaint

Complaint No.

Mobile No.